Ball Maintenance :
The surface of a Bowlingball is like a tire. The profile wears out just like the surface of the ball. Expressed simplistic the scaled up surface of the ball looks like peaks and valleys.
But the peaks wear down with each shot you make and loosing there grip, while valleys are filled up with oil, dust and dirt.The result is less and less grip from the surface of the ball to the lane and weaker reaction. This couldn't be avoided but delayed. We recommend the following ball maintenance to keep up good reaction of your ball as long as possible:
There are several
→Cleaning Products for Bowlingballs, each using a unique formula. Do NOT use Nitro, Alcohol, Aceton, Petrol or other aggressive solvent to clean your bowlingball. You will harm the tender surface of the bowlingball lasting. Do NOT put your bwolingball ito the oven. To resurface your surface bring your ball to
→ProShop or simply
→contact us.